
Consolation Prizes Sponsored by......

Consolation Prizes Sponsored by... Brazil Fans (BCG,HDG),England Fans (HDG),Portugal Fans (BCG),Germany Fans (CDAC),Brains College,Kulathur, Sooraj J (Ex-BCG)

Friday, June 11, 2010

vamos a volar Argentina

കാല്‍പന്തുകളിയുടെ കാല്പനികതയും ചാരുതയും നിറഞ്ഞ ലോകം ഉറ്റ്നോക്കുന്ന മഹാമേളയ്ക്ക് തുടക്കം.

32 teams, 32 coaches, 31 days, 64 matches..........one champion..........

@@@@@ vamos a volar Argentina @@@@@@@@@

let's fly let's fly Argentina...

we will spread the African sky
our blue is going wild
our white is going teem
And our sun is going bang

we will destroy the yellow dancers
we will destroy the blue defenders
we will destroy the bullfighters
and we will blast the three lions

our prince is ready for battle
like a glowing tempest
when they see him, waves are shouting "messi"
when they see him, leafs are murmuring "messi"
when they see him, clouds are growling "messi"
who is here to detain him?

let's fly let's fly Argentina..
we will spread the African sky
our blue is going wild
our white is going teem
And our sun is going bang


By Abeesh KK , LTS for the ever passionate Argentina Football Fans.
(Last Stop: Glory)

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